About Emily-D

EMILY - D s. r. o. is a company established in the year 1994 in Košice (Slovak Republic). In the first years the company's activities were mainly focused on trade in metallurgical products and also interpreting and translating services especially in German and English language but also in other foreign languages.

In 2000, the company EMILY - D s. r. o. started to provide interpretation and translation services for U. S. Steel Košice especially, in the English language.

In 2002, providing training for employees of U. S. Steel Košice on behalf of the American company UEC, which is a daughter company of U. S. Steel corporation, extended the activities of the company. The training programs are being prepared and implemented in technical areas, occupational health and safety, environment, business, project management, accounting, customer services and other areas.

Experiences gathered by our team of qualified personnel allow us to provide you with a complete set of services in the area of Trainings, Language Courses, Translations and Interpreting, Company Documentation Processing and Preparation. change

MODx Content Manager »

« MODx Parse Error »

MODx encountered the following error while attempting to parse the requested resource:
« PHP Parse Error »
PHP error debug
  Error: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /opt/users/faeton/www.emily-d.sk/htdocs/manager/includes/document.parser.class.inc.php:442) 
  Error type/ Nr.: Warning - 2 
  File: /opt/users/faeton/www.emily-d.sk/htdocs/manager/includes/document.parser.class.inc.php 
  Line: 405 
  Line 405 source: header($header);  
Parser timing
  MySQL: 0.0413 s s(12 Requests)
  PHP: 0.0050 s s 
  Total: 0.0463 s s